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The Court Special School

'Keep Calm - Keep Learning...'

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Feedback from Parents and Carers

July 2024 - Well, where to start. K has had the best time in Pry-Copyn with you all. Some members of staff have been on K's school journey since year 5 and some just this year but you have all played an important part in K's journey. Not many people know that K didn't have the best time in school before he came to you but since being in Pry-Copyn he's had the best time all because of the hard work and love from staff. K has learnt so much, not just academically but very importantly emotionally. He's learnt that he can trust people if he lets them see the real K. This is something that I've always wished for and I'm so grateful you made it happen. K is going to take all the love and trust you built into him into High School and beyond. In K's words 'I'm living my best life' - he's been so happy and grown up so much more in the last year and accomplished so much more than I could have ever imagined and a lot of that is due to the Pry-Copyn staff helping him believe in himself. Thank you seems such an insignificant phrase for all the hard work that staff do. In saying that, we want to thank you all from the bottom of our hearts. We will always be infinitely grateful to you for the work everyone puts in. 

May 2024 - I think my son has grown to love school with the help and support of your lovely staff. He wants to go to school now and at his other school he used to cry before going and was angry and upset every single day. I am grateful he came to you when he did. 

September 2023 - Morning, first day back for K - we were on holiday last week. Year 9! He had another great year and picked his GCSE subjects - IT, computer science, engineering, art and triple science. He sends his love to you all at the Court School xxx. He would absolutely love to come back. Maybe next time he has an INSET day? I would also love to see you all -  I don't know where we would be if it wasn't for all the amazing support I got from you all xxx

July 2023 - I can't thank the Court School enough for everything they've done for my son. When he joined the school, he was so anxious and struggled massively to be in a school environment, but now his confidence has grown and his anxiety is so much better. The nurture and the work the school put into him has made him blossom so much! The school works so hard and puts 100% into each and every pupil. Also, the support they have given me is priceless. They are amazing!

July 2023 - Thank you so much for all the love and memories he will hold in his heart forever. You have all been amazing. He wouldn't be the beautiful boy he is without you all. I will always be grateful for your care and support. We will definitely visit next term. Enjoy your well deserved holiday. 

September 2022 - Just wanted to say a massive thank you to you all. The help and support you gave Z was incredible and he's come so far. Hope you all had a lovely summer. So sorry he isn't returning to you guys. He went in fine this morning - couldn't be more proud xxx

September 2022 - As my child hasn't been in school for long, I can honestly say he has had a much better experience than in his mainstream school. It's taken me a while to get used to the open communication between staff-children-children-parents and how willing everyone is to give/find support when needed and that all his learning has been adapted to his level and really built his confidence up. 

School Awards
